Friday, March 1, 2013

Adventures in Harvest Muffins!

So I'm still playing with this thing I found on Pinterest....

Now, I know it's only been a couple of days since I made that last batch in this post. The thing is that those twenty muffins are already gone. My little brothers loved them. They each had two after school yesterday, and have had one for desert every night, and I was eating them for breakfast and a more healthier snack. To say the least they were a huge hit. Anywho....

Today I decided to try what I call harvest muffins. I made them with carrot cake this time, pumpkin, dried cranberries, and sunflower seeds.

Now these weren't quite as easy as the last ones. It's still fairly simple just a few more steps. Like before dump your cake mix and pumpkin into a big mixing bowl. This time though pull a bit of the dry mix out into a smaller bowl and dump the cranberries in that. You have to coat the cranberries in the mix so that they don't fall to the bottom of the batter. Though this batter is so think and sticky it might not be necessary, but better safe then sorry. Now dump the cranberries in after you mixed the pumpkin and mix it all up.

Now that it's all mixed you need to put it into some muffin cups. Now I found the best thing ever in Dad's kitchen. This scooper thing that is the best size for this recipe! So much easier than the spoon with this think batter.

Now I added another ingredient at this point that I forgot in the first picture....

Sunflower seeds!!! I used honey roasted seeds, but any will do. It doesn't even have to be sunflower seeds. It can be nuts, or whatever grains or seeds you want. So take a bit and sprinkle it over each muffin, you might need to pat it just a bit to make sure they stick. Just remember this batter is sticky so it's probably going to get all over your fingers. (Which was cool by me the batter tasted like peanut butter! ^.^ )

Now bake them on up in the oven at 350 for about fifteen to twenty five minutes. Mine took twenty. This cake mix takes a bit longer then some others. This mix also puffed up a bit better than the spice cake. Them seemed to rise more. Now tada! You're done!

Now I'm not a carrot cake fan, but these things looked soooooo good.

Again they're nice and fluffy. The cranberries were a very nice touch. It doesn't really taste all that much like carrot cake, more like a rich spice cake. Almost like coffee cake. The bit of salt from the sunflower seeds was good too. These were pretty good. The boys are going to be home soon and they don't know it yet, but they're about to be guinea pigs. Muhahahaha!! Tomorrow Banana Nut! Don't worry they'll get eaten, around here nothing this yummy lasts.

Well until my next adventure!

Jamie <3

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