Ok so some stuff about me....
There's not much to tell really. I'm a stay at home mom and house wife in my mid-twenties. I live thirty minutes from where I went to high school. I moved away for five years, got married and divorced, then moved back. I have only ever had two real boyfriends, I married both... I am now married to my first real boyfriend, my first love, and by far my best friend. We have a beautiful baby girl. I LOVE being a mom, I truly believe I was always meant to be a mom. I am by no means the classical domestic house wife and mother. I'm a natural at being a mom, I am NOT a natural at being a house wife. I remember a time before cell phones, but my entire life is on mine... I'm a big geek, I dread the day my daughter is old enough to realize this. I coupon, but I am not really that crazy about it. My husband however would disagree. I am never without a camera of some sort. My iPhone is ALWAYS too full of pictures. I used to read a lot, I want to read a lot again. I listen to music constantly, Spotify is my guilty pleasure. So is chocolate. Dark chocolate. I stay up too late, and never get enough sleep.
Well that's about it....