Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adventures in pumpkin muffins....

Soooo.... I found this on Pinterest....

It's for TWO ingredient pumpkin muffins. Which I have to say are the best idea EVER! I've been wanting to try this for a while and now I have! Here's what happened....

First off I varied mine just a bit, I used a spice cake mix instead of a yellow cake mix. Mostly because I saw the mix at the store and thought it sounded better.

(Oh, make sure you use just pumpkin NOT pumpkin pie filling.)

So it's pretty easy. Just open both and mix them together. No adding eggs, milk, oil, water, none of that. Just the dry mix and the pumpkin. At first its a bit hard to get the pumpkin to mix.

But just dig in there and give it a good stir! Don't try to fold it in nicely or it won't mix. Eventually you'll get this! A nice thick batter! Yes it will be thick, and very orange. Not that the picture does it much justice on the color.

So then you just put it in muffin cups! It's supposed to make 24. Mine made 20 cause I over filled a couple. Also I had a bit of trouble with the sticky batter and lost a bit. I suggest patience with this step.

Now pop them in the oven at 350 for about 15 to 20 minutes. Really it doesn't take long at all. They will rise some but not a whole lot.

Tada! Pull them on out of the oven! Just make sure they're finished just like you would cupcakes. The house smells wonderful! All in all it took about 30 minutes total to make these, with prep and bake. I'm fast and mine only took 15 minutes in the oven.

Oh look at how yummy and moist they look! These are a bit on the cake side of muffins but still awesome for snacks and breakfast! I wish we had powdered sugar but I realized to late that I had forgotten to pick some up. I hear these are awesome with cream cheese frosting, though I think that would make them a bit sweet for breakfast. I had one that I smeared just regular cream cheese on and it was very yummy!

All in all pretty good idea and really easy to make. You can add the eggs and stuff it tells you on the back of the mix to make them more "cake" like and I'm sure the cream cheese frosting would be great with that. I choose the more muffin like way though, much less work.

As we taste tested these we came up with some more variations that I will try and post about later. These include carrot cake, sweet potato, banana nut, with various raisins and seeds, mostly other sweet yest savory options. I'll probably make up a few more batches and make a mass post on all variations. These are relatively inexpensive too! This set cost me like 6 bucks with having to buy muffin cups.

Well until my next adventure!

Jamie <3

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